All Camping Information can be found by clicking Store/Camping.

To make a reservation send an email to

For general information please email



Fireworks of any kind, including fire lanterns, shall not be used within the Park except in instances where the Kipabiskau Regional Park Authority has arranged for fireworks display to be managed by personnel hired to do so. 



All Sarcan recycling can be dropped off by the KCHA enclosed trailer located by the recycling and waste dumpsters across from the maintenance shop.  Or dropped off at your local Drop & Go under the name KRP. We thank you for your donations!

Please place all your remaining recyling items in the big blue bins.

KRP Cabin Holders Association Letter Feb 2021

  Be Safe and Enjoy Your Time at the Park!


It is imperative that we at the park always have current and accurate contact information for all Cabin Holders and Seasonal Campers. This information is required for us to be able to contact you in case of an emergency in the park, ie break in’s, fire, park notices or a natural disaster that may affect you or your property. It is also required for the Provincial Government to send education tax assessments, notices and invoices that also affect your park property. Over the past several years some of you have dropped your land line and moved to cellular phones, or have moved, changing your mailing address, or changed internet providers and thus changed your email address.

Please take the time to update all your current information with the park. Together we can improve park communication and keep you informed. It will be kept private and is required for park business only.

You can e:mail this information to 

**If you are having problems logging into your account and have reset your password, make sure you follow

the instructions from the email.
Click the link to reactivate your account, or you will be unable to access the site.**


Kipabiskau Regional Park, commonly referred to as "Kip", is nestled in the scenic Barrier Valley. The lake itself is approximately 10 kms long and 0.5 km wide. The main part of the park is located on the north shore of the lake, although the park controls most of the land surrounding the lakeshore. The largest portion of the park's land is left in its natural state and being a wooded area, it is a sanctuary for wildlife. The park opens from mid-May to mid-September, although winter usage is increasing with sports like ice fishing and snowmobile gaining in popularity.

